It's not very often that I talk about search engine marketing anymore. It used to be a good deal of what I would do and write about. The last three months I have been doing more of it as many of the projects for Thalasar come to fruition. These means I have been spending time slogging it out checking out what has changed over the last few years. The funny thing is, the more things change, the more they stay the same. One thing that hasn't changed is the often overlooked directories. One of my favorites is a directory called, Best of the Web!. It originally started in 1994 around the same time as Yahoo!. They did alright in the boom years selling basic banner ads. They always had a mix of eclectic and original web sites in the directory. As time went on they didn't become Yahoo but they didn't become Starting Point either. They muddled along and they have experienced a new resurgence as a usual eclectic place to find things.
With so much time being spent on SEO and link building campaigns, Best of the Web! is a great place to start. With a broad directory you will certainly find a place for your site. I highly recommend Best of the Web! as directory you should definitely use in your marketing efforts.